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About Us

PPS Umbrella Company >About Us

Formed by Professional Accountants with experience in Pension & Payroll Services, IT and Payroll, PPS Umbrella Company is a top quality, hassle-free solution for contractors and freelancers.

As a contractor working for PPS Umbrella Company, you’ll be free to forget any worries you may have about the administrative headaches that could have made your life more complicated and stressful. From dealing with recruitment agencies and HMRC on your behalf to ensuring all necessary deductions and payments have been made and all expenses claims fully compliant, we’ll have everything covered – so you can focus on your assignment.

Our clients are extremely important to us, and this is reflected by our service with a dedicated account manager, direct email and phone lines all at our UK office. When you join PPS Umbrella Ltd, your account manager will talk you through how to get the most from your pay and help you with the completion of expenses and timesheets.

Our tax planning strategies offer outstanding financial returns for contractors who seek to maximise their current earnings in a legal and compliant manner. If you choose to tell us your daily rate, approximate annual expense and the annual value of your contract we’ll tell you how much better off you’ll be with us.